Service Drive Revolution With Chris Collins

How To Motivate Your Technicians



The best tips and tools on how to motivate your technicians.They get straight into the NFL banter by helping Jair, a committed supporter of Joe Montana, realize that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time following the crazy Super Bowl comeback. This leads onto to an interesting discussion about what makes someone the greatest, how is that measured and what is that based on. What motivates the best? What keeps them at the top? And more importantly, how can you use these tools with your technicians.They use this debate as a way to relate it back to the service drive and technicians in order to understand a fundamental component of business - RESULTS. Looking at how essential results are Gary states “It is the only final measurement, it is. It really doesn’t matter what you intend to get done or what you want to have’s what happens that matters”. Jair then furthers this point by looking at leadership and how a key component to reaching those results is knowing how to be an effective lea