Service Drive Revolution With Chris Collins

How To Make Gamification Effective



How to be effective with Gamification, an expertise of the Chris Collins Inc family.Before they discuss the main topic of this show, the guys talk about cases from their own dealerships that involved customer service issues. Chris and Gary pick Mario’s brain as they pass ideas back and forth about how advisors can deal with those kind of problems and how it affects them. Resolving this, the guys bring up the relevance and the essential tool of SYSTEMS - an indispensable key in creating a complete model of success. To further the opening segment, the SERVICE DRIVE gurus bring up various topics that advisors struggle with, including facing common customer issues, coming up with direct solutions on how to fix those problems.Before they move over to the main topic of this week Gamification, Chris asks Mario “ok so what are your top 5 tips....for dating!”This leads onto a discussion of love languages, for more onthat click the link for the full episode!Moving onto Gamification, Mario reveals his best games for get