Matrix Breakers

Jennefer Payne: The Divine Order of Things, The Purpose For Jesus, Religion vs Relationship, and The 90 Essential Nutrients



Jennefer Payne is a homeopathic doctor, mother, and all around incredible human being. We've known each other for over 5 years now and I consider her one of my most significant friends. We have learned so much from each other through our life experiences that we have decided that at a time such as this we knew that our lessons were valuable for others to know as well. She has a wealth of wisdom about many things, but today we got into some commonly asked questions referring to the bible and spirituality as a whole. So as our way to fight the Spiritual Matrix we took the conversation into that realm. We hope you have an open mind to learn something new, or perhaps even enjoy the dialogue!  We got into a variety of topics mostly pertaining to a true understanding of God, who Jesus was & his purpose, who we are in the world, God's divine order of things, our body's divine purpose, and how to nurture the body correctly. She will be a revisiting guest on the podcast to give us her view on the world, wealt