How Do We Fix It?

Disaster for Democrats? Daniel Akst



President Trump's tweets that four minority Democratic congresswomen should “go back” to the countries they came from, and chants of "send her back" at his rally in North Carolina provoked outrage and disgust from his critics. American politics appear trapped in a spiral of toxic fury, and this angry mix may precisely match the pugilistic President's preference as he wades into the 2020 campaign.Our guest, opinion writer and author, Daniel Akst argues that Trump's clear, simple story on the economy, trade with China, and immigration that may appeal to many voters.Despite the President's negative poll ratings, and a chaotic White House, Democrats are having a miserable summer, with a stumbling frontrunner and the rise of the hard left. "They have found themselves in reaction to this horrible man moving ever further from any constraints on immigration of any kind, says Daniel. "I don't think that will play with the voters."  We discuss the crisis, look for solutions,