Face 2 Face With David Peck

Nigel Fisher



Listen in to this amazing interview with Nigel Fisher who has spent his life working in the Global South and on a variety of humanitarian interventions. He just received the Order of Canada and has plenty to say about hope and helping others, about how he’s a strong believer in stories and how we must enable children to think critically. He even talks briefly about his cameo in Sean Penn’s upcoming film called: The Last Face. Check out this article about him here.Biography:Nigel Fisher O.Ont, M.S.C., LL.D., was appointed in July 2010 by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as his Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) at the rank of Assistant Secretary-General; he is also Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for the UN system agencies in Haiti. Mr. Fisher had just previously completed an assignment as Senior United Nations System Representative to the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment in Haiti following the tragic earthquake of 12 Janua