Face 2 Face With David Peck

Episode 491 - Peter Tabuns & Mark Johnston - Political Blind Date



Peter Tabuns, Mark Johnston and Face2Face host David Peck talk about politics, the art of conversation, logic and passion, hydro rates, climate change and the environment and finding common ground.  For more info about the series head here. Synopsis: Many politicians, from all levels of government, will admit that they never have time to sit down and meet one-on-one. Wouldn’t it be great if they had the opportunity to explore each other’s personal perspectives, motivations, histories and hopes for the future, while at the same time immersing themselves in an issue they disagree on? Political Blind Date is not just playing matchmaker for fun. In an age of polarizing partisan politics, public distrust, “fake news” and questionable behavior, it’s worth the effort to get politicians to connect on a human level, to see if they can make unexpected alliances over issues they disagree on - and who knows, maybe even work together for common good!A typical date starts out with an opportunity to get to kn