The Entrepreneurial You

Building a Promotional System that Guarantees More Revenue and Impact



Stephen Somers is the co-founder of Marketplace SuperHeroes, an online education and services company that helps people all over the world learn how to sell their own products globally on Amazon from scratch. Together with his business partner, Robert, Stephen has sold over $12m in products on Amazon and has now helped over 5,200 people learn how to start their own Amazon business.   Show Notes   “Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler.” - Albert Einstein   Everything rises and falls on systems when you run a business. This episode of The Entrepreneurial  You explores putting a promotionational system in place to guarantee success. Stephen Somers shares his expertise, giving insight from his experience.   Here is a snippet of what Stephen shared:   “In summary, you must have a balance of value in your business where you're providing video content or other content to your subscribers and customers. At the same time, you have to balance that with generating money because you ca