Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of Brenda’s May 29, 2020, channeled Creation Energies show at Perhaps you’re uncovering a significant fear. Perhaps not. But in all likelihood, your emotional ups and downs are similar to a 3D teen. For sometimes, you react as you did in 3D and at other times as new you. Those people and things who blend with your frequencies will weather the storm with you. Those who do not will not. You’re the creator of your life – one of your current fears. You're Starting to Relax is the title of last week’s Brenda’s Blog – her weekly channeled blog for The overview of Brenda's June 5, 2020, Creation Energies channel: You're starting to rebuild yourself. So it is you're discovering you know what's right for you and therefore, allow the same for others. In 3D, you needed to react to the moves of others. You're now strong enough to not care.  Brenda’s Creation Energies show and Brenda’s Blog contain different channeled information.