Nervous Habits With Ricky Rosen

Nervous Habits - Episode 34: Confessions of A Food Network Chef: The Essentials on Learning to Cook and Dining at Restaurants with Chef Plum from Chopped and ABC's The Taste



Sick of heating up frozen dinners and ordering take-out? Hear from Food Network Chef on the essentials of learning to cook, and what you need to know about dining at restaurants. Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen and Chef Plum explore issues including: —The must have kitchen utensils for anyone who wants to learn how to cook... —The ingredients that a TV chef uses in every one of his dishes... —How to order off the menu of a restaurant that you’ve never been to before... —Why you shouldn’t put too much stock into the cleanliness of the bathrooms at the restaurants you’re eating at, and finally… —Why you should be wary of the fish buffet.