Investing In Real Estate With Clayton Morris | Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

EP156: Renters are Staying Put, Here's Why



Book a call with our team: This episode of Investing in Real Estate is brought to you by RealtyShares. With Realty Shares, hundreds of people invest fractionally, reducing the cost of the initial investment. If you have $5000 and qualify, you can begin group investing. Visit to receive $100 toward your first investment! Recent studies show that many renters don’t expect to purchase a home anytime soon, and that they feel confident about their living situation. On today’s show, I’m discussing these findings, and sharing my outlook for real estate investors. On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, we’ll talk about why tenants rent, and how you can set yourself up for success as a landlord. I’ll elaborate on consumer confidence, renters’ finances, and how the banks come into play in this situation. Don’t miss episode 156! “Investing in Real Estate has a laser focus on buy and hold rental properties in order to create passive income. Clayton shares tried and true m