Investing In Real Estate With Clayton Morris | Financial Freedom Through Real Estate

EP184: How to Choose and Use Business Bank Accounts



Book a call with our team: If you run your real estate venture like a business, you’ll want to utilize a business bank account. But not all business bank accounts are created equal! It’s important to not only find the most cost effective solution, but also the account that fits your specific business’ needs. On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, Natali and I are discussing how to find the right business account, and how to use it appropriately! We’ll share our personal experience with using both big banks and local banks. We’ll discuss the mistakes we’ve made, how you can get your accounts in order, and much more! “Investing in Real Estate has a laser focus on buy and hold rental properties in order to create passive income. Clayton shares tried and true methods for acquiring rental real estate, building net worth, and accelerating your financial freedom. This podcast utilizes expert interviews, case studies with normal everyday investors, and Clayton's own methods for achieving p