The Entrepreneurial You

Rise Up and Just Do the Damn Thing, with Tiffany Largie



  There was no magic bullet for coast-to-coast business and sales strategist, Tiffany Largie. She went from being a single mom to building three six-figure businesses, and on to a seven-figure business by the age of 30. Tiffany began with no capital but sheer hard work and determination. Today she helps people create the income, influence, and impact they dream of. She's the creator of Onwards to Freedom, a group that offers business training and support to idea-driven entrepreneurs. She speaks around the world on sales strategy, entrepreneurship, and profit-building. She has dedicated her life to end small thinking worldwide.    Show Notes   "Sometimes you can't see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others." -- Ellen DeGeneres   Stop thinking about it. Just get up and do it. This is the essence of the message shared by Tiffany Largie on this episode of The Entrepreneurial You podcast.   Here is a snippet of what Tiffany shared:   “Wherever you are right now, like whoever,