Nervous Habits With Ricky Rosen

Nervous Habits - Episode 17: How to Slow Down the Aging Process, The Urgency of Space Exploration, and the Myth of Money



Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen is joined by long-time friend and aerospace engineer, Stefanos Axios.  They have a spirited and comprehensive discussion, spanning issues including: --Why life seems to go by more quickly as you get older... --How "free radicals" and "anti-oxidants" can protect you from aging.. --Why we should stop treating people when they're sick and start treating them when they're healthy... --How you can predict someone's age just by looking at their hand... --Why we should continue investing trillions of dollars in exploring the observable universe... --Whether we should be worried about Earth becoming uninhabitable within our lifetimes... --What exactly is keeping us from sending people to colonize Mars today... --What makes the United States Federal Reserve arguably the most powerful body in the world... --Why Americans should care about our country's insurmountable national debt... --Whether middle-class Americans should be concerned about a recession or depression in their lifetimes,