Radio Cota

Radio COTA #64: Society's New Norms, Part 2



This week is Part 2 of our two-part Special on the "New Norms of Society" ... We continue our focus on the way society has evolved in leaps and bounds over the past few decades, looking at the things we consider to be acceptable nowadays, ones that not all that many years ago, we mightn't have openly talked about, or even possibly could have considered taboo .. Our special guest in the interview chair this week is none other than ABC Radio Brisbane's, STEVE AUSTIN. We chat with Steve and gain the benefit of his experience and his wisdom as well as he shares his thoughts on the subject. All this, plus our usual News and updates and a whole lot more ... So, make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you ! Please send us your feedback and suggestions, we'd love to hear from you ... Email us at ... Enjoy the show ! Your host, Andy