Passive Real Estate Investing

Homeschooling For Wealth And Success | PREI 226



In recent years especially, homeschooling children has become an increasingly popular method of providing kids with the education they need to gain wealth and success in their future. If you know where to look, there are countless resources to support your child's continuous scholastic environment outside of a traditional public or private school setting. Marco Santarelli is joined by Sherry, a retired Fortune 100 healthcare executive, and a local homeschool mom who's active in her community. Sherry talks about the joys of homeschooling your children, and the flexibility that such a system affords your child's education. There are plenty of benefits to homeschooling, so if you've ever considered it, Sherry can provide a great primer to start today. Download your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing: IF YOU LIKE THIS PODCAST we would love if you would go to iTunes and Subscribe, Rate & Review our podcast. This