Passive Real Estate Investing

Ask Marco - Analyzing the Risk/Reward of a Cash-Out Refinance | PREI 225



Today's question comes from Jonathan and he says: "Hi Marco. My question involves analyzing the risk reward of a cash out refinance to utilize a portion of the equity from our primary residence to hopefully launch into real estate investing. My wife and I have lived in this home in Oregon for the past 10 years. Current equity is about $200,000 but recently tied this to a HELOC for $46,000 which was used to remodel a large portion of our home. We are both around the age of 50 and have been paying into 401k's from our W2 jobs but do not have a long term investment strategy beyond that, single-family homes or small multi-units would be of interest and not necessarily in our current market with a structured goal to scale over time. Thank you for your time! ~Jonathan." Download your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing: IF YOU LIKE THIS PODCAST we would love if you would go to iTunes and Subscribe, Rate & Review