Vertimax Vive

Garrett McCoy — Stress + Rest = Growth



Garrett McCoy is a one of the co-Founders and the Director of Operations at Pure Strength & Movement, in Tampa, Florida. Garrett has over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, which he brings to his unique facility. The facility's dedication to building the “Mind, Body and Spirit” comes cross in their specialized training programs which connects physical fitness with personal excellence, and emphasizes the importance of exercise, health and fitness beyond just how good you look.   In this episode hosted by Al Marez, Garrett shares his journey into the fitness industry and how he decided to start his own facility. He highlights some of the unique aspects of Pure Strength & Movement, and the thinking behind them, as well as his own take on how to achieve growth through stress and rest. Tune in to find out more about the habits and practices Garrett recommends to create growth and success.   Key Takeaways: [:35] Al introduces his guest for this episode - Garrett McCoy. [1:44] What is Garrett's