The Science Of Social Media

How a VP of Marketing Looks at Social Media Metrics



What metrics really matter to social media marketers and marketing leaders? We’re really excited to share our new podcast format with you all today. Every week, the Buffer team (and occasional special guests) will be answering your biggest social media marketing questions. This week, we speak with Buffer’s VP of marketing Kevan Lee, to discuss the metrics that really matter for social media marketers and how Kevan looks at challenges such as inflated video view counts and finding reliable data sources. Hope you enjoy the episode! - Dave & Hailley About the Show: Each week in Science of Social Media the Buffer team answer your questions and explore marketing strategies and tactics to help you grow your business through social media and build a brand your customers love. Join our 25,000+ weekly listeners. The Science of Social Media is proudly made by the Buffer team. Feel free to get in touch with us for any thoughts, ideas, or feedback. We'd love for you to check out the detailed show notes at www.buffer.