The Science Of Social Media

Why Brands Shouldn't Overlook Pinterest (Plus 3 Strategies You Can Use Today)



When most people think of social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter — maybe even TikTok — tend to be top-of-mind. But today we're sharing why you should be thinking about Pinterest and how it could fit with your social strategies.  Occasional Science of Social Media co-host and Buffer’s head of PR Hailley Griffis takes a deep dive into data and tactics shared with us by the Pinterest team. For example, did you know that 90 percent of weekly Pinners use Pinterest to make purchase decisions? Listen to this episode for a ton of actionable data and ideas on how your brand can utilize the power of Pinterest.  I hope you enjoy the episode! If you like our new format, we'd really appreciate a review and five stars on Apple Podcasts (or wherever you listen to the show). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Dave  About the Show: Each week in Science of Social Media the Buffer team answer your questions and explore marketing strategies and tactics to help you grow your business through social media and build a brand