Heart + Hustle Podcast

#24 - Managing Your Money ft. Michelle Bobrow of The Holistic Wallet



*WARNING: We were on a three-way Skype call during a storm so the sound wasn't the best. Sorry friends!* Welcome to the twenty-fourth episode of the Heart + Hustle podcast. Today we're talking about money. We are talking with Michelle Bobrow who is a personal finance strategist. Michelle is the founder of The Holistic Wallet where she helps guide her clients into creating sound financial plans. She has an amazing e-course which helps users create a strategic spending plans. She shares with us how to combat debt, what we should be doing to build credit, and the best ways to invest your money. Be prepared to take notes! Michelle is on Twitter at twitter.com/theholisticwallet and Instagram at facebook.com/theholisticwalletand you can visit her online at theholisticwallet.com/. For show notes and a list of everything we talked about, visit www.heartandhustlepodcast.com Meet the hosts: Angelica Yarde (twitter.com/studio404design) and Charisma O'Keefe (twitter.com/charismaokeefe) Subscribe via iTunes (itunes.a