The Entrepreneurial You

Using Learning to Engage, Compete and Succeed, with David Blake



  David has spent his career innovating in lifelong learning--both corporate training and higher education. He is the co-founder of Degreed & The Future of Work Studios. He is on a mission to future proof our workforce and companies, help the world speak the language of skills instead of college degrees and use learning and skills to enable everyone to fulfil their personal missions. He is the co-author of the Expertise Economy and is an expert on the future of credentials and skills.   Show Notes   “It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning.” –Claude Bernard   David has made it his mission to future proof workforce and companies. During a conversation on The Entrepreneurial You,  some guiding principles that organizations can use to build the skills of their team members were explored. These are:   Make learning a competitive advantage Embrace personalized learning Combat content overload Succeed with the right technology Understand the power of peers Analyze your e