Power Of Why With Naomi Haile

Why We Need to Hear Your Unique Message | Karina Cotran



Karina recounts: “From childhood to adolescence to adulthood, everyone wants to feel like they belong somewhere. But sometimes, there is that one thing that makes you feel out of place at times. For me, that was my hearing impairment”. Find the full episode transcription here.  Transcribed by Karina Cotran. Karina has an empowering story about her personal journey of hearing loss and receiving a cochlear implant at an early age. Karina's journey is explored in her book Hearing Differently. Karina is 24 years-old, a writer, and has a BA in Professional Writing and Communications and has extensive experience in marketing, communications, and the world of creating captivating content. Karina Cotran is a professional communicator, and a published author of a collection of short stories that is centered around growing up with hearing loss. This inspired Karina to launch her blog: Hearing Differently. This blog and her book are some of the ways that she embraced her journey as a hearing loss advocate