Born To Thrive With Jamie Lee

Ep. 22: Selena Rezvani on How to Negotiate Meeting Culture



Selena Rezvani is a highly sought-after expert on leadership and negotiation who promotes a more female-friendly workplace culture through her award-winning writing and speaking engagements. If you've ever been told no, if you've ever been cut off at a work meeting, and if you want to close the gender and racial wage gap, you won't want to miss this podcast interview. We discussed: - How responding to “No” can change everything - Why getting a “No” is not a question of IF but WHEN - How you can leverage the power of cognitive dissonance to flip a “No” around - How tiny, everyday way of negotiating meeting culture can have a huge impact on your career - What remains the biggest barrier for women to be heard and respected at meetings - The surprising habit of high-performing, highly collaborative teams - How the latest technology is working to serve women’s voices in the workplace - How to have your say at meetings without giving up or shrinking down ...and so much more