Running Wild With Christine

Ep 58: Expressions of Self, with Joanne and Julia



Welcome to Episode 58! Joanne and Julia join forces for this year's Expressions of Self events here in Vancouver, BC! They will be holding three events to build community around the following intersecting themes: survival, resilience, and healing. Therefore, it was only normal to gather and take a deep dive. The ladies and I go in and out of serious tones, discussing trauma, the importance of storytelling and the vital energy gained from community. We attempt to answer some of our most daunted "What Now?" questions and keep pointing towards ways to improve our common existence. Words matter. Your story matters. It is not your fault.  Join us for this introduction to these beautiful brains that I cherish and find out what to expect or how you might want to address these topics within your community. Let us know your thoughts!!! (My Insta and Twitter handles are @christinewild_ and I want to hear from you!)  Feel free to check out episodes 31 and 39 for their previous appearances on the podcast.