Creative Real Estate Podcast

AAA359 Ultimate Guide to a Better Financial Future-Gino Barbaro



In this podcast, you'll learn: "Think BIG but start SMALL" Know what your WHY is Pick ONE market and ONE asset class Build rapport with your brokers Be clear and on what you can do and what value you can add in the partnership. Go out and make it happen! Horse blinders- Keep your focus on one thing Get on the plane, make the connection. Check the market and experience the market. You can build a business within the real estate business Syndication allows you to diversify your funds and put money into more deals What is Multifaceted Multifamily? How to get into a Partnership? You should have a Core Value and Mission in your business Figure out what the other side wants , don't assume want they want. Find out how to solve their problem Take smart calculated step Buy GOOD DEALS instead of lots of deals REVENUE is vanity, PROFIT MARGIN is sanity and CASH is king To connect with Gino, visit The Honey Bee: Sponsor: FREE GIVEAWAY: Learn how you can i