Green Majority Radio

(439) Ontario Pricing Carbon?



Ann Pohl is a grandmother, and co-founder of the IMW Legal Defence Fund. ​IMW stands for “Iapjiw Maliaptasiktɨtiew Wskwitqamu.” These Mi’kmaq words can be understood ​in English to mean ​”Protecting the Earth for Future ​Generations.“ Ann speaks to us today about working with First Nations groups, victory in NB to ban shale drilling and other stories of a grandmother on the front lines. In the second half, Stefan, Kevin and Daryn discuss the news that Ontario Environment Minister Glen Murray announced that Ontario will be pursuing some form of carbon plan. The hosts discuss the benefits of various ways to put a price on carbon, and some of our concerns, despite this good sounding news. Please consider supporting us! - We are 100% Patreon member funded: For full listings and more info about this episode with links etc visit: