Saunders & Cash

S1 E 28 Women Empowered Market Has A Global Impact



The Women Empowered Market started just a year ago to have a global impact for women.  A diverse group of women entrepreneurs and leaders of nonprofits, designed to help women around the world, got together to plan and bring to the community a market of products produced or sold by women. Each of members of the organizing group are either entrepreneurs themselves or have programs to help enable women to become more self sufficient by helping them start a business. The group organized the first Women Empowered Market with over 40 vendors offering fair-trade, fairly traded and direct trade goods created by local and global small businesses run by women.  Since then the Women Empowered Market has hosted three markets and are about to host the four market during International Women's Month.  Two of the primary organizers, Katy Penner of Alegria Fair Trade and Ginger Lobdell of joined in the interview to discuss how the market was formed and the success it is having in its second year.  The next marke