Teachertalk With Fergy

Episode 3 – How To Get More Email Subscribers



In Episode 3 I go over three specific ways you can get more people to sign up for your list as well as how to create an opt-in form, host it on your site, and deliver your lead magnet immediately. Once these people subscribe you need to build your relationship with them. Over the next few episodes, I’ll be showing you how to do that. If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe to my podcast and leave a rating for me. Resources Mentioned: Email Marketing Autoresponder – ConvertKit – https://teachwithfergy.com/convertkit for your 14-day free trial Please note that I am an affiliate for ConvertKit and I will receive a small commission if you use my link to sign up. However, I’d only ever recommend something that I both use and love. ConvertKit is the real deal.