Living Stones Church Sparks

The God Who is There - Question & Answer



> If God is unchanging, why did he flood the earth in the time of Noah and then "change" his mind? Or in 2 Samuel when he relented and did not destroy Israel. He seems to "realize" he shouldn't have done that, even though he knows all. - Genesis 6:6 - 2 Samuel 24:16 > All of these sermons have been very eye opening to me about how I did, should, and do think about God and through all of this I have been diving deeper and deeper into my prayer but I can't tell if He is responding. I can't tell if he is speaking to me, and sometimes I think I am seeing signs from Him but how do I differentiate between these things and know if he is responding to me? - John 1:14 > If God created all things, who made him? - Genesis 1:1 - John 1 - Exodus 3:14 - Isaiah 40:28 > In the view of the Israelites of the Exodus, God repeatedly declares that He will make pharaoh stubborn, and then as a consequence for Pharaoh’s stubbornness, God sends suffering and death on Egyptian people and animals (not just pharaoh). While this de