Living Stones Church Sparks

Hebrews: Out Of The Shadows - The Danger of Drift - Pastor Jim Perkins



## Pay Attention To What We Hear - Stay the course - Don’t be led astrayseriousness of it. ## The Word Has Weight - It has been proven throughout history - Punishment is swift and just > You who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it. [**Acts 7:53**]( ## There is no hiding from the truth - The Lord has spoken - The gift of salvation - It is upheld by those who heard > But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business. [**Matthew 22:5**]( - *Salvation* by such a great savior as is Jesus - *Salvation* at such and awesome and great cost - *Salvation* from the cost of our sin ## Distributed according to his will - Spoken to us by his word - Confirmed with signs and wonders and miracles - Gifts of the Holy Spirit