The Entrepreneurial You

Using the Power of Habit to Control Your Destiny, with Lunide Louis



Lunide is the host of the Best Morning Routine Ever! Podcast. The podcast is the first of its kind devoting a whole show discussing effective morning routine tips and chatting with entrepreneurs and thought leaders in their appropriate fields on how their healthy morning habits have contributed to their success.   Show Notes   “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.” – Jim Rohn   Success leaves clues. Did you know what you do in the morning could impact how successful (or not) you become? Some of those most-admired among us get up daily to a set of routines that govern their mornings. Win your mornings and win at life. In this podcast episode, Lunide shares her simple and practical “HIT SAVERS” routine with us. Practice these and half your life’s battle is won.   Here is a snippet of what Lunide shared:   “We're so inclined to point the fingers outside of us, but we just have to look inward. What can I change about me to be mo