One Movie Punch

Episode 720 - Birds Of Prey (2020)



Hi everyone! Welcome back for another Takeover Tuesday. You know, when I saw today’s movie was coming up, I knew I had to call in the big guns for this review. And when they weren’t available, I called up Dave and Chris at the Comics in Motion Podcast, because they are gluttons for punishment, but also have a lot of insightful things to say about comics books on the big and small screens. Today’s review will be covering the DCEU’s latest installment, HARLEY QUINN: BIRDS OF PREY, but don’t miss their previous reviews for ALIEN VS. PREDATOR (Episode #605) and for 30 DAYS OF NIGHT (Episode #626), both of which were for Reign of Terror 2019. Their promo will run before the review. Speaking of Takeover Tuesday, do you think you have what it takes to guest on One Movie Punch? Head over to and learn more about how you can guest here at One Movie Punch. We still have three (3) slots available this quarter for aspiring and established film critics to take the reins for an episode. We