Why We Are Vegan Podcasts

WWAV Podcast Interview Series: Meet Jerneja Caserta (Tomsic)



Note: There is a typo in the title of the podcast attached. The title of the post and podcast should both read "Jerneja" (not Jerneya). We know that food and politics are involved, especially because we know what is being subsidized...so at this point, being vegan is really a political stance. The 18th interview in this series, features Jerneja Caserta (Tomsic). Jerneja is one of the most interesting and outwardly passionate people I know. Her compassion for sentient beings has no bounds, her dedication to distilling and disseminating knowledge about veganism is perpetual, and her courage to speak her truth is admirable. Jerneja has been vegan for over 6 years. In this interview, she shares a glimpse of what she has learned and the evolution of her personal vegan journey. Mentioned in this interview: Gary Francione & the Abolitionist Approach, Abolitionist Approach on Facebook, Tom Regan's A Case for Animal Rights, Vegan Shift, Eriyah Flynn, Sarina Farb's Born Vegan on YouTube, South Florida Vegan E