Dark Discussions Podcast

Dark Discussions - Episode 417 - Satanic Panic (2019)



Welcome the newest episode of Dark Discussions, your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that’s fantastic. A lot of horror comedies can be pretty politically incorrect. And as a result can be considered amateurish, simply not funny, or even offensive. But the new film SATANIC PANIC (2019) is none of these things. It is pretty funny, doesn’t have the pitfalls of independent films, and is directed by a woman (Chelsea Stardust), co-produced by a woman (Amanda Presmyk), and starring almost entirely of women. And its pedigree comes with the fact the story is by horror film veteran Ted Geoghegan (WE ARE STILL HERE (2015)). Samantha (Hayley Griffith) has started her first day as a pizza delivery girl. Unfortunately most of her salary is based off tips, but so far its been pretty rough. Folks have given her little consideration and many customers have been eccentrics. As the day ends, she is offered to deliver a super large order to a wealthy section of the city, hoping to get a giga