Dark Discussions Podcast

Dark Discussions - Episode 423 - 2019 Year in Review



Welcome the newest episode of Dark Discussions, your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that’s fantastic. We are already 1/6th into 2020 and some good films have come out. Yet did last year start out with bang or a whimper? Dark Discussions puts together their review of all that was good and bad in 2019. Included is the consideration of 84 different films that were worthy enough to be considered as a top 10 film for genre and horror films. Each of your co-hosts put together a list of movies they thought were good enough to be seen by audiences. This included both a list of horror films and a list of other speculative fiction films. Afterwards we then combined them and came up with Dark Discussions definitive lists of the best of 2019. Some obvious films like Midsommar and Us appear but also little known films like The Dead Center, The Furies, and Satanic Panic were considered. Also included are some of our listener choices and what they felt were the best of the year. And don’t f