The Entrepreneurial You

Ep. 148 – Business Beyond Business: Becoming a Radically Generous Entrepreneur, with Paul Edwards



  Paul is an international bestselling author, podcast host and mastermind leader. Husband, father and combat veteran. Paul connect young men in the worlds of software, tech and digital entrepreneurship to find their warrior tribes for personal and professional development.   Show Notes   “You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson   Let’s face it, we constantly hear about winning at all cost and very little about being generous. On this episode of The Entrepreneurial You, Paul Edwards share with me about doing business beyond business.   Here is a snippet of what he shared:   “I went from being a pushy salesperson, you know, stereotypical American insurance salesman. You can see it in the movie Groundhog Day if you want. I went from that to creating this magnetic pole that brought people towards me because I was a value adder and a generous giver and thoughtful and engaging and interesting to be around and to learn about.”   ----