Master Griot / Nbbta Radio

SPOKEN WORD POETRY: The Art, The Industry, The Viability



Topic: NEXT LEVEL: VIDEO PRODUCING. Join Video Producer DAVID MUHAMMAD and Poet, Comedian, Promoter, Filmmaker, Manager TONY (Phruishun) SPIRES along with hosts Promoter / Producer / Spoken Word Artist SUITE FRANCHON and StrategistJacqueline Taylor-Adams in conversations about spoken word artists beginning to produce, distribute, and promote more creative and quality videos as the next level of industry business! David has produced videos for Hurricane Chris, Yin Yang Twins, Three Six Mafia and others. Tony aka PHRUISHUN is also the Founder/Producer of Bay Area's Black Comedy Competition & Festival which alumni includes Chris Tucker, Nick Cannon, Katt Williams, DC Curry, Sherry Underwood and more. Spoken word is hot and beginning to grab a spotlight in the entertainment industry. From performance, events, publishing, recording, TV, to licensing, Let's explore, create, and collaborate how to monetize spoken word, create residual income and opportunities while still keeping the integrity of the art form.