Master Griot / Nbbta Radio

A Taste of Sacred X - Jeff Majors Live CD Pre-Release Listening Session



From TV One's flagship program, "The Gospel of Music with Jeff Majors," international jazz artist and renowned harpist master JEFF MAJORS graces the mic Live here on Master Griot / NBBTA Radio as he gives you A Taste of his upcoming release SACRED X! Call In (646) 716-7994, Ask, Share, and get your exclusive pre-release copy. Jeff Major releases his new album SACRED X, the tenth release of the Sacred Series, on Tuesday, January 21, 2014.  “Sacred X” emerges with a new flavor for the listeners' pallet, a taste of jazz, gospel, hip hop and European appreciation. All ten cuts draw the listeners into a realm of relaxation and enjoyment. The full album will be released  along with the launch of the “Sacred Tour” begining in Washington DC. In addition to appearing in more than 44 million homes through his tv show and his faith-af?rming, soul-stirring Sacred series, Mr. Major outreach initiatives include his annual nationwide free concert tour “Jeff Majors Blankets for the Homeless” and “Hip hop for the Homeless.”