Master Griot / Nbbta Radio

SPOKEN WORD POETRY: The Art, The Industry, The Viability



HBO Def Poet, Master Griot, Actor, Playwright, Journalist TOMMY BOTTOMS brings the ugly truth and new cool as we discuss THEATRE spoken word's now frontier and his play EDUCATED GANGSTER 101: a Spoken Word Hip-Hop Musical. CALL IN (646) 716-7994 or join the interactive chat. Join Promoter / Producer / Spoken Word Artist SUITE FRANCHON and Marketing Strategist Jacqueline Taylor-Adams for conversations about the business, industry, art, and viability of spoken word!  Educated Gangster 101 is a glimpse into the radical mind of Dr. Ugly (Tommy Bottoms), an eccentric, schizophrenic professor whose life mission is to socially engineer the “new-nigga” for the new millennium. For Radio Play Consideration: Submit spoken word, conscious hip hop, and great music to Subscribe / Follow / Like Us: iTunes | Sticher | Spreaker | Facebook | SoundCloud