Master Griot / Nbbta Radio

SPOKEN WORD POETRY: The 2014 KINGS ROUNDTABLE - Art, The Industry, The Viability



Be inspired and Celebrate Unsung Heroes. CALL IN (646) 716-7994. Come around the Kings' throne with Trendsetters to Trendsetters Media Group Mogul WILLIE STEWART, Emcee Actor Motivational Speaker and Blogger EDDY PRECISE, studio/stage singer, songwriter, guitarist BLAQMEL aka Melvin C. McKnight and Spoken Word Artist Community Organizer and Nubian Prophets Reempowered President RAS NIGER-HAMAL ALI. Join Promoter / Producer / Spoken Word Artist SUITE FRANCHON and Marketing Strategist Jacqueline Taylor-Adams as we uncover the greatness of these royal heroes in our community. Also, we must ask the proverbial question, "How do you support the business, industry, art, and viability of spoken word?" Spoken word is hot and grabbing a spotlight in the entertainment industry. From performance, events, publishing, recording, TV, to licensing, SPOKEN WORD POETRY: The Art, The Industry, The Viability says Let's explore, create, and collaborate how to monetize spoken word, create residual income and opportunities while s