Master Griot / Nbbta Radio

POET Be Inspired - Music, Poetry, and Thought to Inspire You



#POET Write * Share | What Poems Does This Image Conjure for You? Black History Month Inspiration - For Black History Month, the Master Griot Project wants to share your poetry to the world via The Master Griot Radio Report. We're sharing an image to inspire you. See, we be before "Black History." Our Kemetic make-up still lies within our genes. So, here's some music, poetry, and Hip Hop to conjure poems within you! Go to the event on our Facebook page and post your poetry, so we can repost and share your poetry. In the words of Nish Pugh, "Pass the poetry, please!" Hosted by Jacqueline Taylor-Adams INSPIRATION list includes selections from the Brothas Keepa, Lauryn Hill, Akua Naru, Lamar Anthony Hill, RhapsodE, Jonathan Emile, Kindred the family soul, and many more.