Thanks, Academy!

Million Dollar Baby with Pat Sirois



This movie goes in fits and starts. The beginning is cartoon-ish and slow, the middle is full of some of the rawest boxing footage I've ever seen in a film, and the last half hour is a torturous drag through depressingville. Pat Sirois and I try to keep our sanity with all the emotional whiplash, and figure out a couple of True Facts about Clint Eastwood's inner life along the way. This episode is narrated by Morgan Freeman. RED ALERT: This movie was written by Paul Haggis of "Crash" fame so that accounts for the sucky bits that suck. (True to form, we did zero research to prejudice ourselves, and in fact that Clint Eastwood wrote the movie for some reason. But no! There's your "Crash" connection!) Find more Pat on Lie, Cheat, and Steal - his weird crime podcast with Kath Barbadoro: