Thanks, Academy!

Gone With the Wind with Eric Nagurney



We knew what we were getting into, kind of, but neither myself nor Eric Nagurney had seen a single frame of Gone with the Wind in our lives, so it was a fresh assault of whitewashed Confederate history, treacly matte paintings, Broadway-style overacting, and whiplashing tonal shifts that lasted FAR longer than even what "4-hour-movie" implies. We hated it. Listen closely, and you'll hear our sanity leave the room at about the 15-minute mark. This isn't a BAD movie. On a technical level it has all the ingredients of a good movie, even a great one. But it IS a movie that clumsily tells the story of horrible people who do nothing to redeem themselves and are only punished by the inexplicable sacrifices of the few innocent souls surrounding them. So that's not fun to watch. But I hope this is fun to listen to.