Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer

Interview with Russell Friedman on Grief After Marriage Breakdown & Divorce. He is the Co-founder Grief Recovery Institute



This Informative Episode has Russell Friedman as a guest speaker: Russell is the Executive Director of The Grief Recovery Institute and co-author of The Grief Recovery Handbook, When Children Grieve, and Moving On. "Moving on" is about grief recovery from romantic break ups and Divorce. The Grief Recovery Institute has been established for over 30 years, training people in grief recovery which I completed a few years ago and use in my coaching. Russell arrived at the Institute in 1987 on the heels of a second divorce and a bankruptcy. At that point, he would not have known to use the word "grief" to describe divorce and financial problems. Like most people he thought grief was only about death. Now he knows that the emotions of grief attach to a list of 40 different loss experience and divorce is one of them. He is here today to talk us through what you can do after a break up to heal your heart and move on. He also provides insight to help children deal with the impact of divorce and explains the common