Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer

Teenagers and Divorce - When to be Concerned if they Don't Want to See a Parent



This week I received an email from Marie, a lady in my 6 month coaching program who is devastated that her two teenagers don’t want to stay with her. This topic often comes up in my divorce coaching with parents questioning whether they should be concerned, worried their ex is bad mouthing them and whether to force their teenagers to stay or let them choose. Having worked with several teenagers during and after divorce, experiencing my parent’s divorce at 14 and feeling unwanted, depressed and lonely… It is important to distinguish between when a teenager is just being a teenager and when something deeper is bothering them and some attention or parent rebuilding needs to happen. In this episode I will cover this. Hope you like it. From my heart to yours Nicola P.S If you want more resources on supporting children through divorce click here to get your free e-book Parenting Through Divorce – Avoid the 3 Common Pitfalls most Parents Make http://www.purepeacecoaching.com/help-childrenwithdivorce/ Nicola Beer,