Kevin Whitsitt

What is the Best Way to Do Affiliate Marketing on Social Networks?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, what is the best way to do affiliate marketing on social networks? I absolutely love social networks, they are great if you use them and not have them use you right? I have tons of social media accounts. If you name a social media account, I probably have it. I just started experimenting with Lasso the App that Facebook is trying to compete with TikTok. Social Network accounts and affiliate marketing go together like soap and a shower. It's a free place to do business and I love free, why not. I'm a big fan of thinking long term. What I recommend is building a list of people in a certain niche and then using that list to promote a wide range of products. Then everything you do online is to build that list. Very simple right? The more simple the better. With social networks the first step is to of course create an account, then build friends that are in y