Backloggers Anonymous

Darksiders Part 2



Angst! Rage! Epic House Cleaning! It's all on this week's Backloggers Anonymous! THQ is in the news yet again, and this time it seems like it's over for those guys. Jesse give us the lowdown, including who owns what properties after the auction, and we discuss this a bit before digging into the game proper. We talk a little bit about the story, the combat, the soundtrack, and of course the dungeons. Believe it or not, as lacking as we found some of the story elements, we did find ourselves enjoying the characters a bit, and even finding some humor in how over-the-top War can be. Natrually, the star here is the gameplay, and it is solid, so if anybody out there was holding out, just know that after a slow start, the game does get fun once you get into that first dungeon. Also, this is how I picture Jesse cleaning his house now: We had some interesting things happen around this podcast, so make sure you stick around after the music for some outtakes, unless you hate fun or something.