Backloggers Anonymous

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Part 2



First off, I'm sorry about the audio. Technical issues caused my feed to sound a little on the distorted side. It's not horrible, but it's noticeable. I believe I've found the cause of the problem and fixed it, but unfortunately this recording is what it is. We talk about, well, a lot of stuff. The game has its highs and lows, but for me one of the lowest points was the music. We get into it for a few minutes on the show, but it's a real shame to see a franchise that lodged so may amazing tunes in gamers' heads take a departure into the bland. In a world where Dark Souls has a dark fantasy theme and had an orchestrated, ambient score that showed no fear of melody, I expected much more from this game. It's not all doom and gloom though, like most of the games we tackle, the game has its quality elements. On the whole, I enjoyed my time with Lords of Shadow. Let us know what you thought of the game in the comments below! Next time, Julian snatches the show away from me and brings frequent NWP guest Erika Szabo