Backloggers Anonymous

Final Fantasy X Part 1



It's time for another three parter here at Backloggers Anonymous! Angelo is joined by Jaime and Julian to talk about a pretty big game that two thirds of the cast have never played: Final Fantasy X. Now, after a three hour FF episode of Nerds Without Pants you might think that Julian doesn't have much more to say about fantasies that are final, but you would be wrong. Seriously, we can't get this guy to shut up! If you haven't played Final Fantasy X before, this is the episode that will (hopefully) get you playing along with us. Julian puts some perspective on where the franchise was at the time, and how fan reaction to this particular game has changed over the years. We talk about the battle system, some eerie similarities to Final Fantasy XIII, and digress all over the place. We hope you enjoy the show, and if you're playing along, we'll be talking about the start of the game all the way up to the Macalania Cloister of Trials. Join us, won't you? And if you recently played through, please comment, but try t