One Movie Punch

Episode 695 - Color Out Of Space (2019)



Hi everyone! So, here’s the thing. And yes, it’s Friday, so that means Fantastic Fest and Andrew Campbell and all of that but let me just say that I am supremely jealous that Andrew got a chance to see this film, because as he alluded to in last week’s episode, I am a huge fan of H.P. Lovecraft. Not the barely concealed racism or the other quite valid social and cultural criticisms of the man and his work, but for the absolutely unique mix of gothic horror, scientific advancement, dread of the unknown, and a wholly cosmic perspective. Or as I said last week, [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. I’m going to check out this film at some point, but until then, here’s Andrew’s thoughts on this Lovecraft adaptation. Before the review, we’ll have a promo from our good friends at the Comics in Motion podcast. Every week, Dave and Chris look at a film which made its way from the comic book page to the silver screen, and sometimes even back again. They look at the lore, the rendition, and everything related, delivering a fun look at eac